
robobait: how to turn off microphone in Windows XP on ThinkPad

Posted in Hacking, robobait at 9:24 am by ducky

To turn off the sound on a ThinkPad running Windows XP:


Control Panel->

Adjust the system volume ->

In the Device volume area in the middle of the Volume tab, click on Advanced. I know, I know, it looks like you are adjusting speaker volume, but go ahead and do it.

If the microphone doesn’t show up as one of the devices, select the menu item Options->Properties and put a check in the Microphone box.

In the microphone sub-panel, put a check in the Mute box.

(I am soooo not a Windows person…)

1 Comment

  1. arman said,

    June 29, 2010 at 1:47 pm

    Tnx man so much =)
    I used to have a grounchy sound, now it’s gone..tnx a lot!