
Locally omniscient debugging

Posted in programmer productivity, Technology trends at 4:22 pm by ducky

Update: it turns out that lots of people have done exactly what I asked for: see Instruction-level Tracing:
Framework & Applications
and the OCaml debugger.  Cooool! (Thanks DanE!)

In my user studies, programmers used the debugger far less than I had expected.  Part of that could perhaps be due to poor training in how to use a debugger — it is rare to get good training in how to use a debugger.

However, I think the answer is simpler than that: it is just plain boring and tedious to use a debugger.  One guy did solve a thorny problem by stepping through the debugger, but he had to press “step over” or “step into” ninety times.

And when you are stepping, you must pay attention.  You can’t let your mind wander, or you will miss the event you are watching for.  I can’t be the only person who has done step, step, step, step, step, step, step, boom, “oh crap, where was I in the previous step?”

Omniscient debuggers are one way to make it less tedious.  Run the code until it goes boom, then back up.  Unfortunately, omniscient debuggers capture so much information that it becomes technically difficult to store/manage it all.

I suggest a compromise: store the last N contexts — enough to examine the state of variables back N levels, and to replay if desired.

I can imagine two different ways of doing this.  In the first, the user still has to press step step step; the debugger saves only the state changes between the lines that the user lands on.  In other words, if you step over the foo() method, the debugger only notes any state differences between entering and exiting the foo() method, not any state that is local to foo().  If the user steps into foo(), then it logs state changes inside foo().

In the other method, the user executes the program, and the debugger logs ALL the state changes (including in foo(), including calls to HashTable.add(), etc.).  This is probably easier on the user, but probably slower to execute and requires more storage.

You could also do something where you checkpoint the state every M steps.  Thus, if you get to the boom-spot and want to know where variable someVariable was set, but it didn’t change in the past N steps, you can

  • look at all your old checkpoints
  • see which two checkpoints someVariable changed between
  • rewind to the earlier of the two checkpoints
  • set a watchpoint on someVariable
  • run until the watchpoint.

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